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Поражение трёхкратного Чемпиона Мира

23 FEBRUARY 2008«RowingRu.com».
22 февраля 2008 года завершился чемпионат Новой Зеландии. Наиболее принципиальной гонкой, была гонка мужских одиночек. Интрига заключалась в том, что, через 8 лет к занятиям академической гребле вернулся Олимпийский чемпион 2000 года, двукратный чемпион мира Роб Валдер. Его основным соперником на этом чемпионате был трехкратный чемпион Мира Махе Дрыздал.
В первых соревнованиях в конце января победил Роб Валдер, через неделю, на следующих соревнованиях, первенствовал Махе Дрыздал, мы писали об этих гонках. И вот третий старт, на чемпионате, приносит уверенную победу Робу.
Погодные условия в день финалов были не совсем благоприятные, в отдельных заездах поднималась такая сильная волна, что заливало лодку. Не смотря на сильный встречный ветер, в отдельных классах были показаны очень высокие результаты. Полностью со всеми результатами можно ознакомиться здесь.
Ниже мы приводим результаты финалов среди женщин и мужчин. Обратите внимание, что на чемпионате Новой Зеландии выступают только клубные экипажи.
Final M1x
# Клуб .....Результат .....Состав
1st WAIKATO RPC 1 6:53:64 Rob Waddell WKO
2nd WEST END R C 1 6:58:59 Mahe Drysdale
3rd RPC SOUTH 1 7:00:40 Nathan Cohen INV
4th CENTRAL RPC 1 7:08:20 Joseph Sullivan PIC
5th WAIKATO RPC 2 7:30:01 Daniel Murtagh WKO
6th INVERCARGILL R C 1 8:01:20 Richard Hamilton

Final М2х
# Клуб .....Результат ......Состав
1st RPC SOUTH 1 6:40:24 Matthew Trott CAN Nathan Cohen INV
2nd RPC SOUTH 2 6:51:77 Todd Petherick CTY Storm Uru WHO
3rd CENTRAL RPC 1 7:00:12 Daniel Karena PIC Joseph Sullivan PIC
4th WEST END R C 1 7:08:91 Bradley Jowitt Henry Poor
5th WAIKATO RPC 1 7:18:25 Selwyn Cleland Daniel Murtagh WKO

Final М2-
# Клуб ......Результат .......Состав
1st RPC SOUTH 1 6:22:84 Carl Meyer CAN Hamish Bond NOE
2nd WAIKATO RPC 1 6:25:97 James Dallinger WKO Eric Murray WKO
3rd AUCKLAND RPC 1 6:30:25 Rob Hellstrom WRA Nathan Twaddle AKL
4th NELSON R C 1 6:42:99 Jamie Orsbourn Chris Harris
5th CENTRAL RPC 1 6:52:49 James Ashley PIC Mikkel Nielsen UBC
Final М4-
# Клуб .......Результат .......Состав
1st RPC SOUTH 1 6:16:90 Carl Meyer CAN Matthew Trott CAN George Bridgewater CAN Hamish Bond NOE
2nd WAIKATO RPC 1 6:22:78 Ben Scott WKO James Dallinger WKO Eric Murray WKO Dane Boswell WKO
3rd AUCKLAND RPC 1 6:24:65 Steve Cottle AKL Ben Hammond AWG Rob Hellstrom WRA Nathan Twaddle AKL
4th WAIKATO RPC 2 6:29:70 Jared Pehi WKO Simon Watson WKO Graeme Hill WKO David Eade WKO
5th CENTRAL RPC 1 6:36:73 James Ashley PIC Dougal MacDuff WEL Elliot Riley UBC Mikkel Nielsen UBC
6th NELSON R C 1 6:39:31 Scott Weenink Blair Jones Jamie Orsbourn Chris Harris

Final М4х
# Клуб .......Результат .........Состав
1st RPC SOUTH 1 6:03:77 Matthew Trott CAN George Bridgewater CAN Hamish Bond NOE Nathan Cohen INV
2nd CENTRAL RPC 1 6:09:87 James Ashley PIC Joseph Sullivan PIC Daniel Karena PIC Mikkel Nielsen UBC
3rd WAIKATO RPC 1 6:27:17 Peter Walters WKO Daniel Murtagh WKO Matthew Glenn WKO Selwyn Cleland

Final М8+
# Клуб .........Результат .........Состав
1st WAIKATO RPC 1 5:44:88 Josh Payne WKO Simon Watson WKO Selwyn Cleland WKO Dane Boswell WKO Eric Murray WKO James Dallinger WKO Ben Scott WKO David Eade WKO Cox Rachel Goudie WKO
2nd AUCKLAND RPC 1 5:46:80 Peter Taylor AKL Malcolm Lewis CAM David Schumacher AKL Ben Hammond AWG Steve Cottle AKL Nathan Twaddle AKL Rob Hellstrom WRA Rodney Stephens AKL Cox Daniel Quigley AKL
3rd CENTRAL RPC 1 5:54:65 Dougal MacDuff WEL Elliot Riley UBC Ian Seymour WRA Warrick Wright WRA Hamish Burson WRA James Ashley PIC Mikkel Nielsen UBC Brady Norton BLE Cox Michael Dessoulavy WEL
4th RPC SOUTH 1 5:55:64 James Lassche CHC John Storey AVN Sam O'Connor AVN Ben Wooding AVN Ben Lynton CHC Ben Bowles CAN Jade Uru AVN James O'Connor CHC Cox Anna Jamieson CAN
5th AUCKLAND R C 1 6:06:96 Hamish McQueen Nick Bixley Hugo Farmer Richard Barker Robert Kidd Andrew Le Grice Michael Leydon Trent Morris Cox Ryan Darby
6th HAWKES BAY R C 1 6:07:89 Todd Hale Richard Harrison Maia Solomon Brendon Lack Blair Harrison Liam Hale Cameron Smith Michael Harrison Cox Sarah Alexander

Final W1x
# Клуб ...........Результат ............Состав
1st WAIKATO RPC 1 7:53:02 Caroline Evers-Swindell
2nd AUCKLAND RPC 1 7:56:92 Emma Twigg HWB
3rd COMMERCIAL R C 1 8:00:98 Pippa Savage
4th WAIKATO R C 1 8:09:66 Jaime Nielsen
5th OTAGO UNIVERSITY R C 1 8:44:21 Marjolijn Stenneke
Final W2-
# Клуб ...........Результат ............Состав
1st AUCKLAND RPC 1 7:24:68 Juliette Haigh WES Nicky Coles WES
2nd WAIKATO RPC 1 7:34:73 Fiona Paterson HAM Paula Twining WKO
3rd CENTRAL RPC 1 7:35:89 Simone Hudson WRA Rebecca Scown UBC
4th CENTRAL RPC 3 7:52:97 Anna Stantiall UBC Penelope Smith WRA
0 AUCKLAND RPC 2 DNF Emma Feathery Erin Tolhurst
Final W2x
# Клуб ...........Результат ............Состав
1st WAIKATO RPC 1 7:08:64 Georgina Evers-Swindell Caroline Evers-Swindell
2nd CENTRAL RPC 2 7:10:23 Anna Stantiall UBC Rosslyn Knox WRA
3rd CENTRAL RPC 1 7:12:21 Candice Hammond WRA Louise Ayling WHO
4th WAIKATO RPC 3 7:33:58 Trudy Stuart BPC Genevieve Armstrong TGA
5th CENTRAL RPC 3 7:44:01 Kirstin Stallard WRA Sara Hanning WRA
Final W4-
# Клуб ...........Результат ............Состав
1st AUCKLAND RPC 1 7:02:71 Emma Twigg HWB Nicky Coles WES Juliette Haigh WES Erin Tolhurst WES
2nd CENTRAL RPC 1 7:06:22 Simone Hudson WRA Rebecca Scown UBC Nikki-Lee Crawford UBC Harriett Austin UBC
Final W4x
# Клуб ..........Результат .............Состав
1st WAIKATO RPC 1 6:40:62 Paula Twining WKO Jaime Nielsen Georgina Evers-Swindell Caroline Evers-Swindell
2nd CENTRAL RPC 1 6:48:37 Anna Stantiall Rosslyn Knox WRA Candice Hammond WRA Louise Ayling WHO

Final W8+
# Клуб ...........Результат .............Состав
1st AUCKLAND RPC 1 6:27:28 Julia Trautvetter HWB Sarah Alexander HWB Emma Feathery WES Madeline Seaman Emma Twigg HWB Nicky Coles WES Juliette Haigh WES Erin Tolhurst WES Cox Daniel Quigley AKL
2nd WAIKATO RPC 1 6:30:41 Trudy Stuart BPC Rebecca Baker WRE Kate Reymer CAM Jaime Nielsen WKO Anna Reymer CAM Odette Sceats Fiona Paterson HAM Paula Twining WKO Cox Candice Bardsley WKO
3rd CENTRAL RPC 1 6:32:05 Rosslyn Knox WRA Kirstin Stallard WRA Penelope Smith WRA Anna Stantiall UBC Nikki-Lee Crawford UBC Rebecca Scown UBC Simone Hudson WRA Hannah Starnes Cox Rachel Wilson WRA

Категория: Гребля в мире | Просмотров: 1928 | Добавил: МАВ | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Всего комментариев: 3
3 МАВ   (26.02.2008 23:54:51) [Материал]
The World Rowing team

New Zealand men’s single sways Waddell’s way
New Zealand Rowing National Championships turned into a men’s single showcase when Mahe Drysdale met Rob Waddell for the fourth time as the duo fight to be selected as the men’s single representative for New Zealand at the Beijing Olympics.
A bad start by Drysdale in cross-tail wind conditions spelt disaster for the reigning World Champion who could do little to catch a flying start by Waddell. Drysdale dropped his rating but then tried to play catch-up. Despite then taking it up to a higher rating than Waddell – 33 strokes per minute through the body of the race – Drysdale had let Waddell take control and could do nothing to dent Waddell’s commanding lead.

“The only way I can describe the actual race from the first stroke was a shocker,” said Drysdale after the race. “The two most frustrating things were; it’s one of the few occasions I have had an important race that I have not stepped up and raced well in and secondly I identified early on I was in trouble but rather than responding positively like I did in Eton I wasn’t able to turn it around during the race and ended up getting thrashed.”

Waddell, remaining serious, even when his young daughter joined him as he got off the water after the race, remarked that it was a good race. “I’ve been doing speed-work in the last two weeks,” said Waddell who was sporting a new extra-short haircut. “I’m looking to keep my boat speed improving all the time.” Later, in an interview with Radio New Zealand, Waddell stated his focus was solely on the Olympic men's single spot and he had put no thought into the possibility of rowing in another boat.

Both scullers indicated the importance of the race by only entering this one event at the New Zealand championships. Drysdale commented that usually he races in five or six events, with up to 15 races through the championships week.

Earlier in the week both scullers also took a night away from rowing to appear at the ceremony for the national sports awards. Drysdale had been nominated for Sportsman of the Year and Waddell was nominated for Team of the Year for his role as part of yachting’s America’s Cup Team New Zealand. Drysdale won Sportsman of the Year.

This race was not part of the selection process for New Zealand’s Olympic team. Those selected for trials will return to Lake Karapiro on 29 February for a week of trials. The decision on who will represent New Zealand in the men’s single will come down to a best of three process. Although both scullers have firmly stated that the single is their goal, it is likely whoever misses out will then be selected for a team boat. The team will be announced on 7 March.

2 МАВ   (25.02.2008 22:39:42) [Материал]
Здоровенные "черти"

1 Московский легковес   (23.02.2008 19:08:57) [Материал]
По-моему, все-таки удивительный этот человек, Роб Уодделл...Дает же Господь...Люди одно место годами рвут и ноль результата...А он: забил на восемь лет...Потом вернулся и Дрисдейла обул...ДАНО!

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